International Midwives

Celebrating International Midwives Day | 5 May

Today is International Midwives Day celebrating and recognising all the wonderful midwives who bring new life into the world.

Timboon and District Healthcare Service would like to acknowledge and thank our wonderful midwives for providing an invaluable service. Our midwives provide pre- and post-natal care, supporting local mothers and their families.

Midwifery has come a long way since its early origins.  The practice of midwifery can be traced back to the palaeolithic era (40,000 B.C.), where pregnancy and childbirth required women to give birth in challenging and often life-threatening environments. Women supported themselves during birth based on knowledge and skills they learned from observing other mammals. We encourage you to learn more about its history, as we celebrate and reflect on over 100 years of progress made for women, birthing people, newborns and families all over the world. Each region, country and community has its own history of midwifery, unique to its respective history, belief systems and political context. Those journeys, of course, are still unfolding.

We would like to recognise all midwives and thank them for their dedicated work. Midwives are vital to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and early childhood. Thank you for all that you do.

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