16 Dec Stay safe, stay well and look after yourself and each other
By Sabine McKenzie
As we have the opportunity this holiday season to get together with loved ones, it is more important than ever to get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, even if you have been fully vaccinated as testing helps to detect any COVID-19 in our community before it can spread to others.
Symptoms include fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea.
At TDHS we continue to test every weekday, except for the week between Christmas and New Year and Public Holidays. This means we COVID-19 test up until and including Friday 24th December and resume on Tuesday 4th January.
Testing times remain the same and are between 2.30 and 3.30 pm. Please find booking and appointment times in the image below. For testing availability outside our COVID-19 testing days and time, please contact the COVID Testing Clinic in Warrnambool on 1800 965 144 for an appointment – option 3 for assistance.
Testing for the vulnerable and elderly
Call to Test system: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/call-to-test-covid-19
The Call-to-Test service is for people who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and cannot leave home due to injury, mobility or other eligible reasons.
The Call-to-Test service is available to:
- people with an injury, chronic health issue, or frailty affecting mobility
- people with moderate to severe physical or psychosocial disability
- people with moderate to severe mental health or behavioural issues not otherwise classified as a psychosocial disability
- carers for a person with moderate to severe disability.
You must be over five years of age to access this service.
Close contacts without symptoms can use the Call-to-Test service if they have been told by the Department of Health to get tested and meet any of the criteria listed above.
Call the coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 675 398 and select option 4 and then option 5 to find out if you are eligible for this service.
Let’s not undo the great job we’ve been doing so far and continue to work together for a safe and healthy community.
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