In this month's video newsletter, our Community Engagement Officer Sabine McKenzie catches up with our Diabetes Educator Cheryl Poole. The pair discuss National Diabetes Week as well as risk factors for diabetes and management strategies.Watch it here on our Youtube channel where you can see...

Cooriemungle’s Charlene Payne feels great. She isn’t tired anymore, has much more energy, enjoys exercising and sleeps the best she ever has. Charlene was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes late last year and while she’s disappointed she didn’t do a better job of preventing it,...

Free Morning Tea Wellness Session Celebrating Diabetes Awareness Week 2018Wednesday 18 July 2018, 10.30am in the TDHS Health Education RoomFEATURING:Cooking Demonstration Aromatherapy Introduction to Meditation Tai Chi Strength TrainingALL ARE WELCOME!Schedule10:30am Morning tea, Cooking demonstration & Diabetes info11am Aromatherapy by Petra LeReve11:30-11:45am Tai Chi &...