TDHS Annual General Meeting | Monday 25th November

 Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on Monday 25th November at 11 am in person and we would love for you to join us on our ride through an exciting 2023-2024 followed by our guest speaker and local community member, Donna Ellis, who will be talking about the importance of green spaces for our health and wellbeing.

Today, most of our days are spent indoors, surrounded by artificial light, technology and a never-ending stream of distraction. Research suggests that this disconnection from nature can hurt our mental health.

A simple solution to this issue is to spend time in green spaces. Whether you’re strolling through a park, exploring the woods, or just basking in the sunshine outdoors, immersing yourself in natural surroundings has been associated with numerous mental health advantages. Spending time in green spaces can alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms, reduce stress hormone levels, enhance mood, and boost overall feelings of happiness and wellbeing.

Donna has been involved in horticulture for around 40 years, starting out in parks and gardens. In her career she has worked on council, nurseries, garden maintenance, landscape and design, consulting, media and teaching. She enjoyed 12 years as the ‘resident gardening expert’ on ABC South West Victoria, is the author of Sustainable Gardening for Dummies and after over 22 years teaching horticulture and sustainability, she has finally retired. (Sort of!)

These days she can be found speaking to various groups and organisations about how our changing climate effects our gardens and how gardens and green spaces help maintain not only the health of our planet but our own health and wellbeing.  Her many talks are particularly aimed at older gardeners to help maintain fitness for gardening as we age.

In 2019, Donna was named Corangamite Shire Citizen of the Year for her involvement in promoting healthy communities in Timboon and district through sport (football and parkrun) and is a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corp.

We can all play a part in helping to keep and improve the green spaces in our beautiful district and we look forward to having your company at our AGM to continue to work together for a healthy community.

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